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The Sunday Times  









Reviewed by Marina Vaizey
September 21 1975


Colin Crumplin’s first one man show, at Garage in Earlham Street, of paintings, drawings and watercolours and wall hanging constructions is thoughtful, thought-provoking and fascinating. Some of it is alarmingly refined: white paintings in a complex of varied shapes, each surface dotted with minute holes which reflect a procedure dependant on both worked out structure and chance. There are mirrored images, repeated and serial images grids, tracings. Drawings of a coffee cup grew out of Raymond Queneau’s “Exercises in Style” in Barbara Wrights brilliant translation, in which the same story is told ninety -nine different ways. The coffee cup is presented in a variety of different technical drawings, drawings as art school exercises,drawings as fanciful and realistic. The subject is the same :but the way in which style affects meaning is fetchingly explored.